我很驚訝,這個做法是如此簡單! soap-diy.com 6 i: I1 n. K  M! e

" t; M3 l! I5 a; P7 n1 ^- x soap-diy.com

! l9 Z/ N, U% ?& n- O soap-diy.com

  • 只要把8~10個無患子果實去掉種子留下皮(果肉)放入小棉拉繩袋。
  • 不鏽鍋放入三杯水,放入無患子皮的棉袋,煮沸騰約 15分鐘。 (這一過程將從無患子果肉中提取的皂素,創造出肥皂。)
  • 關掉瓦斯爐後,等鍋子和液體冷卻,再取出無患子皮的棉袋。
  • 將液體倒入瓶中保存。

soap-diy.com - H8 p0 C8 X- R+ N9 n

/ L4 X$ |" V/ y soap-diy.com 自製無患子洗髮水並不像商店購買的洗髮水。別擔心,這個方式會讓你的頭髮自然清潔也可兼作沐浴露。
" @+ ^* T! l+ I/ q9 T" M4 o soap-diy.com 如果這是你第一次使用無患子洗髮水,你會發現需要一段適應期,你的頭髮會需要一點時間來調整。
* X) Z/ X5 m9 @5 Z) c2 E* [' t% a soap-diy.com 給它一個星期左右,你的頭髮自己會調整恢復。如果你使用太多了,你會發現,你的頭髮將比較乾燥。 soap-diy.com ' I" C8 F$ I8 B% s! N
+ l% i6 x3 m7 w6 C' Y! z- W3 H! F soap-diy.com

5 a$ v* g* K+ ?" v7 F% C3 p' M- G6 w+ ` soap-diy.com 以上用google翻譯後編修。 soap-diy.com : d' X/ p6 B0 \' L' c1 P

3 t% Z* S- T. y$ Q soap-diy.com PS: soap-diy.com " V6 b8 K& y, r( @) H- m3 u# ?5 U+ |1 Q) Y
soap-diy.com ' c. K" @+ s# W9 p
soap-diy.com 5 P6 R& {0 o8 f! G" M
5 c. x9 w: P1 @. }/ [( s soap-diy.com soap-diy.com . ]3 [+ [  B7 H
2.無患子diy的產品,不要太陽直曬。放入冰箱冷藏可保存約一個月,室溫約2星期,國外也有做多 soap-diy.com 8 [  R; [$ F% b2 \: ]- B6 G7 x
# s5 \& d1 f2 ~0 s) ` soap-diy.com    中讓水溶化結凍的無患子液。 soap-diy.com # B/ V  W$ H  H

- k: x9 K* U" i3 k' y' r soap-diy.com 3.無患子皮的棉袋可繼續當洗手袋或清洗流理台。直到失去發泡性就可丟嚕。 soap-diy.com 3 i9 z3 K' e3 f3 m( M* j

' E8 v, ^) l  t) T soap-diy.com 4.無患子產品不建議用在洗純白的東西,因會有染色的問題。
' q, h. z) @2 M4 r5 ~+ p% M* Y* ` soap-diy.com
+ z% y) x* E  n- G7 s: N6 z6 D- W soap-diy.com

soap-diy.com 1 ]0 B6 R( V$ q4 B0 a2 u. c
摘錄自 http://greenmi.net/soapnuts-eco-friendly-cleanser/
& ]+ l8 c0 M: E) C; S2 B7 r soap-diy.com
/ u* t9 R, c0 v; K: w: _: i! X* t# m soap-diy.com Soapberry Shampoo and Soapnut Bodywash soap-diy.com 7 c2 s& T" r* ]5 X1 R

2 l+ r! T2 d: r% r7 a& _8 C( o soap-diy.com I was amazed after I learned this recipe!  It is so simple! Just follow these 4 steps: soap-diy.com 0 ^) X0 @* Z' D

  • Simply place 8-10 soap nut skins in a small cotton drawstring bag.
  • Fill a pot with 3 cups of water, add the cotton bag and boil for around 15 minutes. This process will  extract the saponin from the soap nut skins, creating a soapy base.
  • Take the pot off of the hot stove and allow it to cool before removing the cotton bag.
  • Pour the liquid into a suitable dispensing bottle.

soap-diy.com 3 U9 ^! M; y+ T+ K
soap-diy.com % d( U* d: |* Z1 w. K! A& z
Homemade soapnut shampoo is not as thick as store bought shampoo.  Worry not, this recipe will leave your hair naturally clean and can double as bodywash. soap-diy.com * F8 Q6 a5 t" K
If this is your first time using soap nut shampoo, you will find that a little goes a long way and that your hair will take a little time to adjust.  Give it about a week and your hair will adjust on it’s own.  If you use too much, you will find that your hair will dry out.  Just use less next time and your hair will balance out.
soap-diy.com + n6 o0 i, l, O, A8 u7 m


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